    | string
    | typeof DynMapReducer
    | DynReducer.Data.MapCreate<K, T> & { ctor: typeof DynMapReducer }
    | DynReducer.Data.MapCreate<K, T> & { name: string } & (
        | { filters: Iterable<DynReducer.Data.FilterFn<T> | Filter<T>> }
        | { sort: CompareFn<T> | DynReducer.Data.Sort<T> }

Creates a compound type for all map reducer 'create' option combinations. Useful for consumers of the dynamic-reducer library to implement a create method for a map reducer similar to derived reducers.

Includes additional type inference constraints for Data.MapCreate.

Type Parameters

  • K

    any - Key type.

  • T

    any - Type of data.