Defines object / options for creating a map reducer. Useful for consumers of the dynamic-reducer library to implement a create method similar to derived reducers.

interface MapCreate<K, T> {
    ctor?: typeof DynMapReducer;
    filters?: Iterable<DynReducer.Data.FilterFn<T> | Filter<T>>;
    name?: string;
    sort?: CompareFn<T> | DynReducer.Data.Sort<T>;
    [key: string]: any;

Type Parameters

  • K

    any - Key type.

  • T

    any - Type of data.



  • [key: string]: any

    Extra data to pass through to any initialize method.


ctor?: typeof DynMapReducer

A Map constructor function / class.

Iterable list of filters.

name?: string

Name of reducer.

Compare function.