OptionsData: {
    buttons?: { [key: string]: TJSDialog.ButtonData };
    content?: Embed | string;
    default?: string;
    draggable?: boolean;
    focusAuto?: boolean;
    focusFirst?: boolean;
    focusKeep?: boolean;
    focusTrap?: boolean;
    minimizable?: boolean;
    modal?: boolean;
    modalOptions?: OptionsModal;
    notifyError?: boolean;
    onClose?: string | (data?: { application: TJSDialog }) => any;
    rejectClose?: boolean;
    resizable?: boolean;
    resolveId?: boolean;
    title?: string;
    transition?: OptionsTransition;
    zIndex?: number | null;

Defines the common dialog configuration data.

Type declaration

  • Optionalbuttons?: { [key: string]: TJSDialog.ButtonData }

    Provides configuration of the dialog button bar.

  • Optionalcontent?: Embed | string

    A Svelte configuration object or HTML string content.

  • Optionaldefault?: string

    The default button ID to focus initially.

  • Optionaldraggable?: boolean

    The dialog is draggable when true; default: true.

  • OptionalfocusAuto?: boolean

    When true auto-management of app focus is enabled; default: true.

  • OptionalfocusFirst?: boolean

    When true the first focusable element that isn't a button is focused; default: false.

  • OptionalfocusKeep?: boolean

    When focusAuto and focusKeep is true; keeps internal focus; default: false.

  • OptionalfocusTrap?: boolean

    When true focus trapping / wrapping is enabled keeping focus inside app; default: true.

  • Optionalminimizable?: boolean

    When true the dialog is minimizable; default: true.

  • Optionalmodal?: boolean

    When true a modal dialog is displayed; default: false.

  • OptionalmodalOptions?: OptionsModal

    Additional options for modal dialog display.

  • OptionalnotifyError?: boolean

    When true and an error is thrown in dialog callback functions post a UI error notification; default: false.

  • OptionalonClose?: string | (data?: { application: TJSDialog }) => any

    Callback invoked when dialog is closed; no button option selected. When defined as a string any matching function by name exported from content Svelte component is invoked.

  • OptionalrejectClose?: boolean

    When true and a Promise has been created by TJSDialog.wait and the Promise is not in the process of being resolved or rejected on close of the dialog any onClose function is invoked and any result that is undefined will cause the Promise to then be rejected; default: false.

  • Optionalresizable?: boolean

    When true the dialog is resizable; default: false.

  • OptionalresolveId?: boolean

    When true and resolving any Promises and there are undefined results from any button callbacks the button ID is resolved; default: false.

  • Optionaltitle?: string

    The dialog window title.

  • Optionaltransition?: OptionsTransition

    Transition options for the dialog.

  • OptionalzIndex?: number | null

    A specific z-index for the dialog. Pass null for the dialog to act like other applications in regard bringing to top when activated.