OptionsModal: {
    background?: string;
    closeOnInput?: boolean;
    slotSeparate?: boolean;
    styles?: { [key: string]: string };
    transition?: OptionsTransition;

Defines additional modal options to control the display of the modal dialog and glasspane.

Type declaration

  • Optionalbackground?: string

    CSS background style for glasspane.

  • OptionalcloseOnInput?: boolean

    When true modal dialog is closed on any click / pointer down event on the glasspane.

  • OptionalslotSeparate?: boolean

    Creates a separate DIV element container for slot content.

  • Optionalstyles?: { [key: string]: string }

    Custom styles applied to glasspane. Provide an object with CSS style properties with keys in kebab case.

  • Optionaltransition?: OptionsTransition

    Custom transition options for modal background / glasspane.