TJSTinyMCEOptions: {
    button?: boolean;
    classes?: string[];
    clickToEdit?: boolean;
    document?: foundry.abstract.Document;
    editable?: boolean;
    enrichContent?: boolean;
    enrichOptions?: fvtt.EnrichmentOptions;
    fieldName?: string;
    fonts?: any;
    initialSelection?: "all" | "end" | "start";
    keyCode?: string;
    maxCharacterLength?: number;
    mceConfig?: object;
    preventEnterKey?: boolean;
    preventPaste?: boolean;
    saveOnBlur?: boolean;
    saveOnEnterKey?: boolean;
    styles?: { [x: string]: string };

Type declaration

  • Optionalbutton?: boolean

    Provides an edit button to start editing. When button is false editing is always enabled.

  • Optionalclasses?: string[]

    An array of strings to add to the .editor element classes. This allows easier setting of CSS variables across a range of various editor components.

  • OptionalclickToEdit?: boolean

    When true the edit button is not shown and a click on the editor content initializes the editor.

  • Optionaldocument?: foundry.abstract.Document

    Set to a Foundry document to load and save content from it. Requires fieldName to be set.

  • Optionaleditable?: boolean

    Prevents editing and hides button. When set to false any active editor is cancelled. Default: user is GM or when a document is assigned the user has ownership.

  • OptionalenrichContent?: boolean

    When set to false content won't be enriched by TextEditor.enrichHTML.

  • OptionalenrichOptions?: fvtt.EnrichmentOptions

    Additional TextEditor.enrichHTML options.

  • OptionalfieldName?: string

    A field name to load and save to / from associated document. IE a.b.c.

  • Optionalfonts?: any

    An additional object defining module / custom fonts to load specific to this editor.

  • OptionalinitialSelection?: "all" | "end" | "start"

    Initial selection range; 'all', 'end' or 'start'.

  • OptionalkeyCode?: string

    Defines the key event code to activate the editor when focused.

  • OptionalmaxCharacterLength?: number

    When defined as an integer greater than 0 this limits the max characters that can be entered.

  • OptionalmceConfig?: object

    User defined TinyMCE config object. Please see TinyMCE documentation and also take into consideration that there are differences between Foundry v9 (TinyMCE v5) and Foundry v10+ (TinyMCE v6). Note: There are several pre-made configurations available in TinyMCEHelper. If not defined TinyMCEHelper.configStandard is used.

  • OptionalpreventEnterKey?: boolean

    When true this prevents enter key from creating a new line / paragraph.

  • OptionalpreventPaste?: boolean

    Prevents pasting content into the editor.

  • OptionalsaveOnBlur?: boolean

    When true any loss of focus / blur from the editor saves the editor state.

  • OptionalsaveOnEnterKey?: boolean

    When true saves the editor state when the enter key is pressed. This is useful when configuring the editor for single line entry. For an automatic setup for single line entry refer to TinyMCEHelper.optionsSingleLine.

  • Optionalstyles?: { [x: string]: string }

    Additional CSS property names and values to set as inline styles. This is useful for dynamically overriding any built in styles and in particular setting CSS variables supported.