TJSContentEditOptions: {
    button?: boolean;
    classes?: string[];
    clickToEdit?: boolean;
    document?: foundry.abstract.Document;
    editable?: boolean;
    enrichContent?: boolean;
    enrichOptions?: fvtt.EnrichmentOptions;
    fieldName?: string;
    initialSelection?: "all" | "end" | "start";
    keyCode?: string;
    maxCharacterLength?: number;
    preventEnterKey?: boolean;
    preventPaste?: boolean;
    saveOnBlur?: boolean;
    saveOnEnterKey?: boolean;
    styles?: { [x: string]: string };

Type declaration

  • Optionalbutton?: boolean

    Provides an edit button to start editing. When button is false editing is always enabled.

  • Optionalclasses?: string[]

    An array of strings to add to the .editor element classes. This allows easier setting of CSS variables across a range of various editor components.

  • OptionalclickToEdit?: boolean

    When true the edit button is not shown and a click on the editor content initializes the editor.

  • Optionaldocument?: foundry.abstract.Document

    Set to a Foundry document to load and save content from it. Requires fieldName to be set.

  • Optionaleditable?: boolean

    Prevents editing and hides button. When set to false any active editor is cancelled. Default: user is GM or when a document is assigned the user has ownership.

  • OptionalenrichContent?: boolean

    When set to false content won't be enriched by TextEditor.enrichHTML.

  • OptionalenrichOptions?: fvtt.EnrichmentOptions

    Additional TextEditor.enrichHTML options.

  • OptionalfieldName?: string

    A field name to load and save to / from associated document. IE a.b.c.

  • OptionalinitialSelection?: "all" | "end" | "start"

    Initial selection range; 'all', 'end' or 'start'.

  • OptionalkeyCode?: string

    Defines the key event code to activate the editor when focused.

  • OptionalmaxCharacterLength?: number

    When defined as an integer greater than 0 this limits the max characters that can be entered.

  • OptionalpreventEnterKey?: boolean

    When true this prevents enter key from creating a new line / paragraph.

  • OptionalpreventPaste?: boolean

    Prevents pasting content into the editor.

  • OptionalsaveOnBlur?: boolean

    When true any loss of focus / blur from the editor saves the editor state.

  • OptionalsaveOnEnterKey?: boolean

    When true saves the editor state when the enter key is pressed.

  • Optionalstyles?: { [x: string]: string }

    Additional CSS property names and values to set as inline styles. This is useful for dynamically overriding any built in styles and in particular setting CSS variables supported.