FVTTSidebarAddData: {
    beforeId?: string;
    condition?: boolean | () => boolean;
    icon: string | Embed;
    id: string;
    mergeAppImpl?: object;
    popoutApplication?: SvelteApp;
    popoutOptions?: object;
    svelte: Embed;
    title?: string;
    tooltip?: string;

The configuration object to add a Svelte sidebar.

Type declaration

  • OptionalbeforeId?: string

    The ID for the tab to place the new sidebar before. This must be an existing sidebar tab ID. THe stock Foundry sidebar tab IDs from left to right are:

  • Optionalcondition?: boolean | () => boolean

    A boolean value or function to invoke that returns a boolean value to control sidebar replacement. This is executed in the renderSidebar callback internally.

  • icon: string | Embed

    The FontAwesome icon css classes or a Svelte configuration object to load a custom Svelte component to use as the "icon".

  • id: string

    The unique Sidebar ID / name. Used for CSS ID and retrieving the sidebar.

  • OptionalmergeAppImpl?: object

    Provides a custom base implementation for the object instance for this sidebar app stored in globalThis.ui.<SIDEBAR ID>.

  • OptionalpopoutApplication?: SvelteApp

    Provides a custom SvelteApp class to instantiate for the popout sidebar.

  • OptionalpopoutOptions?: object

    Provides SvelteApp options overrides for the default popout sidebar.

  • svelte: Embed

    A Svelte configuration object.

  • Optionaltitle?: string

    The popout application title text or i18n lang key.

  • Optionaltooltip?: string

    The sidebar tab tooltip text or i18n lang key.