FVTTFilePickerBrowseOptions: {
    activeSource?: string;
    allowUpload?: boolean;
    callback?: Function;
    current?: string;
    displayMode?: string;
    favorites?: Map<string, fvtt.FavoriteFolder>;
    glasspaneId?: string;
    id?: string;
    modal?: boolean;
    modalOptions?: {
        background: string;
        closeOnInput: boolean;
        styles: { [key: string]: string };
        transition: TransitionFunction;
        transitionOptions: { [key: string]: any };
    onURLString?: ({ urlString: string }: any) => void;
    onValidateURLString?: ({ urlString: string }: any) => Promise<boolean>;
    redirectToRoot?: string[];
    store?: MinimalWritable<string>;
    tileSize?: boolean;
    type?: string;
    zIndex?: number;
  • Foundry fvtt.FilePicker w/ expanded FVTTFilePickerControl options.

Type declaration

  • OptionalactiveSource?: string

    A current file source in 'data', 'public', or 's3'.

  • OptionalallowUpload?: boolean

    A flag which permits explicitly disallowing upload, true by default.

  • Optionalcallback?: Function

    A callback function to trigger once a file has been selected.

  • Optionalcurrent?: string

    The current file path being modified, if any.

  • OptionaldisplayMode?: string

    The picker display mode in FilePicker.DISPLAY_MODES.

  • Optionalfavorites?: Map<string, fvtt.FavoriteFolder>

    A map of favorite folder configuration objects.

  • OptionalglasspaneId?: string

    Provide the CSS ID of the glasspane to move the file picker app to after opening.

  • Optionalid?: string

    A specific unique CSS app ID.

  • Optionalmodal?: boolean

    When true a modal file picker will be opened.

  • OptionalmodalOptions?: {
        background: string;
        closeOnInput: boolean;
        styles: { [key: string]: string };
        transition: TransitionFunction;
        transitionOptions: { [key: string]: any };

    Options for the modal glasspane / TJSGlasspane component.

  • OptionalonURLString?: ({ urlString: string }: any) => void

    Optional function invoked when URL string changes.

  • OptionalonValidateURLString?: ({ urlString: string }: any) => Promise<boolean>

    Optional validation function of selected URL string.

  • OptionalredirectToRoot?: string[]

    Redirect to the root directory rather than starting in the source directory of one of these files.

  • Optionalstore?: MinimalWritable<string>

    A minimal writable store that is set with result.

  • OptionaltileSize?: boolean

    Display the tile size configuration.

  • Optionaltype?: string

    A type of file to target, in 'audio', 'image', 'video', 'imagevideo', 'folder', 'font', 'graphics', 'text', or 'any'.

  • OptionalzIndex?: number

    Provides an explicit z-index for the file picker app.