AnimateWAAPI: {
    debounce?: number;
    duration?: number;
    enabled?: boolean;
    event?: keyof HTMLElementEventMap;
    keyframeOptions?: KeyframeAnimationOptions;
    keyframes: Keyframe[] | PropertyIndexedKeyframes;
    strategy?: "cancel" | "exclusive";

Defines the options for the animateWAAPI action.

Type declaration

  • Optionaldebounce?: number

    Add a debounce to incoming events in milliseconds. Consider using the exclusive strategy.

  • Optionalduration?: number

    Duration in milliseconds. Default value: 600.

  • Optionalenabled?: boolean

    Is the animation enabled. Default value: true.

  • Optionalevent?: keyof HTMLElementEventMap

    DOM event name to bind element to respond with the WAAPI animation. Default value: click.

  • OptionalkeyframeOptions?: KeyframeAnimationOptions

    An object containing one or more timing properties. When defined it is used instead of duration.

  • keyframes: Keyframe[] | PropertyIndexedKeyframes

    An array of keyframe objects or a keyframe object whose properties are arrays of values to iterate over.

  • Optionalstrategy?: "cancel" | "exclusive"

    The scheduling strategy to take. cancel to cancel any current animation, exclusive to skip scheduling an animation if one is currently running. Default value: cancel.