DynCompareFn: {
    subscribe?: (indexUpdate: DynIndexerUpdateFn) => () => void;
    (a: T, b: T): number;

A callback function that compares two values. Return > 0 to sort 'b' before 'a'; < 0 to sort 'a' before 'b'; or 0 to keep original order of 'a' & 'b'.

This function has an optional subscribe function that follows the Svelte store Subscriber pattern. If a subscribe function is provided automatic updates to the reduced index is performed.

Type Parameters

  • T

Type declaration

    • (a: T, b: T): number
    • Parameters

      • a: T

        Element 'a' of backing data to sort.

      • b: T

        Element 'b' of backing data to sort.

      Returns number

  • Optionalsubscribe?: (indexUpdate: DynIndexerUpdateFn) => () => void

    Optional subscribe function following the Svelte store / subscribe pattern.