HeaderButton: {
    alignLeft?: boolean;
    class?: string;
    icon?: string;
    keepMinimized?: boolean;
    keyCode?: string;
    label?: string;
    onContextMenu?: HeaderButtonCallback;
    onPress?: HeaderButtonCallback;
    styles?: { [key: string]: string };
    svelte?: Embed;
    title?: string;

Defines the application header button data handled in SvelteApp._getHeaderButtons and associated getApplicationHeaderButtons hooks. SvelteApp extends the header button data from !ApplicationHeaderButton bringing an expanded feature set.

Type declaration

  • OptionalalignLeft?: boolean

    When true the button is left aligned after the window title.


  • Optionalclass?: string

    Additional CSS class to add to the header button.

  • Optionalicon?: string

    Icon class identifier.

  • OptionalkeepMinimized?: boolean

    Keep the header button visible when the app is minimized.

  • OptionalkeyCode?: string

    Defines the KeyboardEvent 'code' that activates the button.


  • Optionallabel?: string

    Text label or language key to associate with button.

  • OptionalonContextMenu?: HeaderButtonCallback

    Callback when context menu activated. You may modify and return the button data to update it.

  • OptionalonPress?: HeaderButtonCallback

    Callback when pressed. You may modify and return the button data to update it.

  • Optionalstyles?: { [key: string]: string }

    Hyphen case CSS property key / value object of properties to add as additional inline CSS styles to the button.

  • Optionalsvelte?: Embed

    You may load a custom Svelte component into the header to replace a button.

    Note: supports just class, props definition.

  • Optionaltitle?: string

    A tooltip to display when hovered.