Data: {
    draggable: boolean;
    focusAuto: boolean;
    focusKeep: boolean;
    focusTrap: boolean;
    headerButtonNoClose: boolean;
    headerButtonNoLabel: boolean;
    headerNoTitleMinimized: boolean;
    minimizable: boolean;
    positionable: boolean;
    resizable: boolean;

Defines the bulk serializable data from Reactive.toJSON for common application state.

Type declaration

  • draggable: boolean

    If true then application shells are draggable.

  • focusAuto: boolean

    When true auto-management of app focus is enabled.

  • focusKeep: boolean

    When focusAuto and focusKeep is true; keeps internal focus.

  • focusTrap: boolean

    When true focus trapping / wrapping is enabled keeping focus inside app.

  • headerButtonNoClose: boolean

    If true then the close header button is removed.

  • headerButtonNoLabel: boolean

    If true then header button labels are removed.

  • headerNoTitleMinimized: boolean

    If true then header title is hidden when minimized.

  • minimizable: boolean

    If true then application shells are minimizable.

  • positionable: boolean

    If false then position.set does not take effect.

  • resizable: boolean

    If true then application shells are resizable.