Package #runtime/data/format/jsonc

    JSONC is JSON with JavaScript style comments. This provides a scanner and fault-tolerant parser that can process JSONC but is also useful for standard JSON.

    In particular for just parsing like JSON.parse use the parse function. All the other functions provided involve AST manipulation:

    - the `parse` function evaluates the JavaScript object represented by JSON string in a fault-tolerant fashion.
    - the `scanner` tokenizes the input string into tokens and token offsets
    - the `visit` function implements a 'SAX' style parser with callbacks for the encountered properties and values.
    - the `parseTree` function computes a hierarchical DOM with offsets representing the encountered properties and
    - the `getLocation` API returns a location object that describes the property or value located at a given offset in
    a JSON document.
    - the `findNodeAtLocation` API finds the node at a given location path in a JSON DOM.
    - the `format` API computes edits to format a JSON document.
    - the `modify` API computes edits to insert, remove or replace a property or value in a JSON document.
    - the `applyEdits` API applies edits to a document.
