Defines the core Foundry options for a game setting.

interface CoreSetting {
    choices?: Record<string, string>;
    config?: boolean;
    default: string | number | boolean | object;
        | boolean
        | "any"
        | "audio"
        | "folder"
        | "font"
        | "image"
        | "imagevideo"
        | "text"
        | "video";
    hint?: string;
    name?: string;
    onChange?: Function
    | Iterable<Function>;
    range?: { max: number; min: number; step?: number };
    requiresReload?: boolean;
    scope: "client" | "world";
        | ObjectConstructor
        | NumberConstructor
        | StringConstructor
        | BooleanConstructor
        | ArrayConstructor
        | new (...args: any[]) => DataModel
        | (data: unknown) => unknown;


choices?: Record<string, string>

If choices are defined, the resulting setting will be a select menu and type must be a string.

config?: boolean

Specifies that the setting appears in the configuration view; default: true.

default: string | number | boolean | object

A default value for the setting.

    | boolean
    | "any"
    | "audio"
    | "folder"
    | "font"
    | "image"
    | "imagevideo"
    | "text"
    | "video"

Setting is a file picker and type must be a string. You may use a boolean for any file type or select a specific file type.

hint?: string

A description of the registered setting and its behavior.

name?: string

The displayed name of the setting.

onChange?: Function | Iterable<Function>

An onChange callback function or iterable list of callbacks to directly receive callbacks from Foundry on setting change.

range?: { max: number; min: number; step?: number }

If range is specified, the resulting setting will be a range slider.

requiresReload?: boolean

If true then a prompt to reload after changes occurs; default: false.

scope: "client" | "world"

Scope for setting. client uses local storage and world is saved in Foundry DB.

    | ObjectConstructor
    | NumberConstructor
    | StringConstructor
    | BooleanConstructor
    | ArrayConstructor
    | new (...args: any[]) => DataModel
    | (data: unknown) => unknown

A constructable object, function, or DataModel.