Interface Options<Component, ContextExternal>

Options for SvelteApp including the svelte property which defines the Svelte component to load as the "application shell".

Note: Unlike standard Svelte component loading any context provided is loaded as additional data into the #external context key along with data such as the outer application instance reference. This allows one to extend the SvelteApp.Context.External interface with additional data that you are loading and use one type to conveniently retrieve all external context data inside a Svelte component.

Note that the svelte configuration includes dynamic options to define context and props as a function as well as an object. There are times when the context and prop data to load needs to come from data associated with the instance of the application. When defining the configuration from the overloaded static accessor SvelteApp.defaultOptions you may use a standard function IE function() {} for context or props. When SvelteApp loads the component these functions will be invoked with the this reference of the actual instance allowing association of instance data from within a static context.

interface Options<
    Component extends SvelteComponent = SvelteComponent,
    ContextExternal extends AbstractExternal = AbstractExternal,
> {
    baseApplication?: string;
    classes?: string[];
    defaultCloseAnimation?: boolean;
    dragDrop?: {
        callbacks?: {
            dragover?: Function;
            dragstart?: Function;
            drop?: Function;
        dragSelector?: string;
        dropSelector?: string;
    draggable?: boolean;
    filters?: SearchFilterConfiguration[];
    focusAuto?: boolean;
    focusKeep?: boolean;
    focusSource?: A11yFocusSource;
    focusTrap?: boolean;
    headerButtonNoClose?: boolean;
    headerButtonNoLabel?: boolean;
    headerIcon?: string;
    headerNoTitleMinimized?: boolean;
    height?: string
    | number;
    id?: string;
    left?: string | number;
    maxHeight?: string | number;
    maxWidth?: string | number;
    minHeight?: string | number;
    minimizable?: boolean;
    minWidth?: string | number;
    popOut?: boolean;
    positionable?: boolean;
    positionInitial?: InitialSystem;
    positionOrtho?: boolean;
    positionValidator?: ValidatorOption;
    resizable?: boolean;
    rotateX?: string | number;
    rotateY?: string | number;
    rotateZ?: string | number;
    rotation?: string | number;
    scale?: number;
    scrollY?: string[];
    sessionStorage?: WebStorage;
    svelte: Dynamic<
            ContextOmit: "application"
            | "elementRootUpdate"
            | "sessionStorage";
            ContextShape: ContextExternal;
            PropsOmit: "elementRoot" | "elementContent" | "elementTarget";
    tabs?: TabsOptions[];
    template?: string;
    title?: string;
    top?: string
    | number;
    transformOrigin?: TransformOrigin;
    width?: string | number;

Type Parameters



baseApplication?: string

A named "base application" which generates an additional hook

classes?: string[]

An array of CSS string classes to apply to the rendered HTML

defaultCloseAnimation?: boolean

If false the default slide close animation is not run.

dragDrop?: {
    callbacks?: {
        dragover?: Function;
        dragstart?: Function;
        drop?: Function;
    dragSelector?: string;
    dropSelector?: string;
draggable?: boolean

If true then application shells are draggable.

filters?: SearchFilterConfiguration[]

filters An array of SearchFilter configuration objects.

focusAuto?: boolean

When true auto-management of app focus is enabled.

focusKeep?: boolean

When focusAuto and focusKeep is true; keeps internal focus.

focusSource?: A11yFocusSource

Defines A11yHelper focus source to apply when application closes.

@defaultValue: undefined

focusTrap?: boolean

When true focus trapping / wrapping is enabled keeping focus inside app.

headerButtonNoClose?: boolean

If true then the close header button is removed.

headerButtonNoLabel?: boolean

If true then header button labels are removed.

headerIcon?: string

Sets a header icon given an image URL.

headerNoTitleMinimized?: boolean

If true then header title is hidden when minimized.

height?: string | number

The default pixel height for app.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.


id?: string

The default CSS id to assign to the rendered HTML

left?: string | number

The default left offset position for app.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.


maxHeight?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying maximum window height.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.

maxWidth?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying maximum window width.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.

minHeight?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying minimum window height.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.

minimizable?: boolean

Whether the rendered application can be minimized (popOut only)

minWidth?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying minimum window width.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.

popOut?: boolean

Whether to display the application as a pop-out container

positionable?: boolean

If false then position.set does not take effect.

positionInitial?: InitialSystem

A helper for initial position placement.

positionOrtho?: boolean

When true TJSPosition is optimized for orthographic use.

positionValidator?: ValidatorOption

A validator function or data or list of validators.

resizable?: boolean

Whether the rendered application can be drag-resized (popOut only)

rotateX?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying the window rotation around the X-axis in degrees.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for values supported.

rotateY?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying the window rotation around the Y-axis in degrees.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for values supported.

rotateZ?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying the window rotation around the Z-axis in degrees.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for values supported.

rotation?: string | number

Assigned to position. Number specifying the window rotation around the Z-axis in degrees. Alias for rotateZ.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for values supported.

scale?: number

A transformation scale for the rendered HTML

scrollY?: string[]

A list of unique CSS selectors which target containers that should have their vertical scroll positions preserved during a re-render.

sessionStorage?: WebStorage

An instance of WebStorage (session) to share across SvelteApps. This is only required to share a WebStorage instance across multiple SvelteApps. By default, a unique #runtime/svelte/store/web-storage!TJSSessionStorage instance is created per SvelteApp.

svelte: Dynamic<
        ContextOmit: "application"
        | "elementRootUpdate"
        | "sessionStorage";
        ContextShape: ContextExternal;
        PropsOmit: "elementRoot" | "elementContent" | "elementTarget";

A Svelte configuration object defining the main component loaded.

Note: that svelte.class is required; this is due to type inference requirements by TypeScript.

tabs?: TabsOptions[]

Track Tab navigation handlers which are active for this Application

template?: string

The default HTML template path to render for this Application

title?: string

A default window title string (popOut only)

top?: string | number

The default top offset position for app.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.


transformOrigin?: TransformOrigin

By default, 'top / left' respects rotation when minimizing.

'top left'
width?: string | number

The default pixel height for app.

When defined as a string see TJSPosition.API.Data.TJSPositionDataRelative for relative values supported.
