• Provides a rotate transition. For options easing is applied to the rotate transition. The default easing is linear.

    Note: that when reversing the transition that time goes from 1 - 0, so if specific options are applied for rotating out transition then end and initial are swapped.


    • node: HTMLElement

      The transition node.

    • Optional options: {
          delay?: number;
          duration?: number;
          easing?: EasingFunction;
          end?: number;
          initial?: number;

      Optional parameters.

      • Optional delay?: number

        Delay in ms before start of transition.

      • Optional duration?: number

        Total transition length in ms.

      • Optional easing?: EasingFunction

        The easing function to apply to the rotate transition.

      • Optional end?: number

        End rotation in degrees.

      • Optional initial?: number

        Initial rotation in degrees.

    Returns TransitionConfig

    Transition config.