TJSFolder provides a collapsible folder using the details and summary HTMLElements.

This is a slotted component. The default slot is the collapsible contents. There are also two additional optional named slots available for the summary element. label allows setting custom content with the fallback being the label string. Additionally, summary-end allows a component or text to be slotted after the label. This can be useful for say an "expand all" button.

  • folder (TJSFolderData): An object defining all properties of a folder including potentially data driven minimal Svelte configuration objects (slotDefault, slotLabel, and slotSummaryEnd) providing default component implementations.

Or in lieu of passing the folder object you can assign these props directly:

  • id: Anything used for an ID.

-label: The label name of the folder; string.

-store: The store tracking the open / close state: Writable

-styles: Styles to be applied inline via applyStyles action.

There are several events that are fired and / or bubbled up through parent elements. There are four custom events that pass a details object including: the details element, id, label, and store.

The following events are bubbled up such that assigning a listener in any parent component receives them from all children folders:

  • click - Basic MouseEvent of folder being clicked.

  • keydown - Key down event.

  • keyup - Key up event.

  • closeAny - Triggered when any child folder is closed w/ details object.

  • openAny - Triggered when any child folder is opened w/ details object.

The following events do not propagate / bubble up and can be registered with:

  • close - Triggered when direct descendent folder is closed w/ details object.

  • open - Triggered when direct descendent folder is opened w/ details object.

Styling: To style this component use details.tjs-folder as a selector. Each element also contains data attributes for id and label.

There are several local CSS variables that you can use to change the appearance dynamically. Either use CSS props or pass in a styles object w/ key / value props to set to the details element.

The following CSS variables are supported, but not defined by default:

Details element (attributes follow `--tjs-folder-details-`):
--tjs-folder-details-margin-left: -0.4em;
--tjs-folder-details-padding-left: 0.4em; set for children to indent more;

Summary element (attributes follow `--tjs-folder-summary-`):
--tjs-folder-summary-background-blend-mode: initial
--tjs-folder-summary-background: none
--tjs-folder-summary-background-open - fallback: --tjs-folder-summary-background; default: inherit
--tjs-folder-summary-border: none
--tjs-folder-summary-border-radius: 0
--tjs-folder-summary-border-width: initial
--tjs-folder-summary-cursor: pointer
--tjs-folder-summary-font-size: inherit
--tjs-folder-summary-font-weight: bold
--tjs-folder-summary-font-family: inherit
--tjs-folder-summary-gap: 0.125em
--tjs-folder-summary-padding: 0.25em
--tjs-folder-summary-transition: background 0.1s
--tjs-folder-summary-width: fit-content; wraps content initially, set to 100% or other width measurement

Summary element (disabled):
--tjs-folder-summary-disabled-color: inherit
--tjs-folder-summary-disabled-cursor: default

Summary element (focus visible):
--tjs-folder-summary-box-shadow-focus-visible - fallback: --tjs-default-box-shadow-focus-visible
--tjs-folder-summary-outline-focus-visible - fallback: --tjs-default-outline-focus-visible; default: revert
--tjs-folder-summary-transition-focus-visible - fallback: --tjs-default-transition-focus-visible

A keyboard focus indicator is defined by the following CSS variables:
--tjs-folder-summary-focus-indicator-align-self - fallback: --tjs-default-focus-indicator-align-self; default: stretch
--tjs-folder-summary-focus-indicator-background - fallback: --tjs-default-focus-indicator-background; default: white
--tjs-folder-summary-focus-indicator-border - fallback: --tjs-default-focus-indicator-border; default: undefined
--tjs-folder-summary-focus-indicator-border-radius - fallback: --tjs-default-focus-indicator-border-radius; default: 0.1em
--tjs-folder-summary-focus-indicator-height - fallback: --tjs-default-focus-indicator-height; default: undefined
--tjs-folder-summary-focus-indicator-transition - fallback: --tjs-default-focus-indicator-transition
--tjs-folder-summary-focus-indicator-width - fallback: --tjs-default-focus-indicator-width; default: 0.25em

Summary SVG / chevron element (attributes follow `--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-`):

The width and height use multiple fallback variables before setting a default of 1.25em. You can provide
`--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-size`. If not provided then the chevron dimensions are set by
`--tjs-folder-summary-font-size`; default: 1.25em.

--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-border-radius: 0
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-color: currentColor
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-opacity: 0.2; Opacity when not hovering.
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-opacity-focus-visible: 1; When summary focus-visible.
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-opacity-hover: 1; Opacity when hovering.
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-margin: 0;
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-transition: opacity 0.2s, transform 0.1s
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-rotate-closed: -90deg; rotation angle when closed.
--tjs-folder-summary-chevron-rotate-open: 0; rotation angle when open.

Summary label element (attributes follow `--tjs-folder-summary-label-):

By default, the label element does not wrap and uses ellipsis for text overflow.

--tjs-folder-summary-label-overflow: hidden
--tjs-folder-summary-label-text-overflow: ellipsis
--tjs-folder-summary-label-white-space: nowrap
--tjs-folder-summary-label-width: fit-content

Default label (focus visible):
--tjs-folder-summary-label-text-shadow-focus-visible - fallback: --tjs-default-text-shadow-focus-hover; default: revert

Contents element (attributes follow `--tjs-folder-contents-`):
--tjs-folder-contents-background-blend-mode: initial
--tjs-folder-contents-background: none
--tjs-folder-contents-border: none
--tjs-folder-contents-margin: 0 0 0 -0.4em

Padding is set directly by `--tjs-folder-contents-padding` or follows the following calculation:
`0 0 0 calc(var(--tjs-folder-summary-font-size, 1em) * 0.8)`

If neither `--tjs-folder-contents-padding` or `--tjs-folder-summary-font-size` is defined the default is
`1em * 0.8`.


  • [prop: string]: any



