Provides helper functions to create dynamic store driven filters and sort functions for dynamic reducers. The returned functions are also Svelte stores and can be added to a reducer as well as used as a store.





  • get filters(): {
        regexObjectQuery: (
            accessors: string | Iterable<string, any, any>,
            options?: {
                accessWarn?: boolean;
                caseSensitive?: boolean;
                store?: Writable<string>;
        ) => (data: {}) => boolean & MinimalWritable<string>;
  • Returns the following filter functions:

    • regexObjectQuery(accessors, options); suitable for object reducers matching one or more property keys / accessors against the store value as a regex. To access deeper entries into the object format the accessor string with . between entries to walk. Optional parameters include logging access warnings, case sensitivity, and passing in an existing store.

    Returns {
        regexObjectQuery: (
            accessors: string | Iterable<string, any, any>,
            options?: {
                accessWarn?: boolean;
                caseSensitive?: boolean;
                store?: Writable<string>;
        ) => (data: {}) => boolean & MinimalWritable<string>;

    All available filters.